Title: Julia Roberts Fondly Remembers Late Ex-Boyfriend Matthew Perry in Heartfelt Interview
In a recent interview with “Entertainment Tonight,” Hollywood actress Julia Roberts opened up about her memories of her ex-boyfriend, the late Matthew Perry. The beloved “Friends” star tragically passed away in October at the age of 54, leaving both fans and friends devastated.
Roberts and Perry, who dated for about three months in the 1990s, crossed paths during her guest appearance on the hit sitcom “Friends.” The actress fondly recalls their time together, cherishing the moments they shared and reflecting on the loss she feels after Perry’s passing.
One significant tribute to their brief but meaningful relationship was Perry’s memoir, “Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing,” in which he referred to their romance. The book sheds light on the personal connection they had, making it all the more special.
During their time together, Perry demonstrated his affection for Roberts by sending her three dozen red roses, accompanied by a heartfelt card. A gesture that will forever be etched in the actress’s memory, reminding her of their brief but impactful romance.
Aside from the personal connection between Roberts and Perry, the interview also touched upon the actress’s overall experience on the set of “Friends.” Roberts had nothing but positive thoughts and feelings about her time working with the iconic cast, a sentiment shared by millions of fans worldwide.
Interestingly, Roberts’ latest film, “Leave the World Behind,” pays homage to the popular sitcom. The movie, set in the vibrant world of the entertainment industry, serves as a reminder of the impact and legacy of “Friends.”
Adding to the coincidence is the response from Roberts’ co-star, Mahershala Ali, who also weighed in on the timing of honoring “Friends.” Ali expressed his admiration for the show and acknowledged the profound significance it holds in popular culture, making it even more special to be part of this project alongside Roberts.
As fans eagerly await the release of “Leave the World Behind,” they can rest assured that the movie will deliver a nostalgic nod to the beloved sitcom while showcasing Roberts’ undeniable talent.
The interview with Julia Roberts offers a glimpse into a heartfelt and cherished chapter from her past, a time spent with the late Matthew Perry. As his memory lives on, both in her heart and in the hearts of fans everywhere, Roberts continues to honor their brief but remarkable connection.
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